
Server Information
Hostname EcoDuckling | No Meteor | Beginner Friendly | Long Term | Starting Currency | 4KM
Status Checked 2 hours ago / Online 38 days ago
Players 0
Location Europe
Version Beta
Registered by facha
Registered since May 13th, 2024 03:55 PM EST
Last update May 13th, 2024 03:58 PM EST
Tag(s) Dedicated No Whitelist Vanilla

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 34
Score 0
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Server IP:
No Meteor - Long Term - 4KM Map - Beginner Friendly
Permanent Discord Invite:
To link your discord to the server, please use/DL LinkAccount [discord id] in game

Step into a vibrant community where Eco enthusiasts of all kinds unite in a dynamic world. From skilled builders to cultural aficionados, passionate activists to seasoned miners, our community offers an authentic, mostly vanilla Eco experience. Dive into community-led events like culture and building contests, and navigate our ever-evolving economic system that promises to challenge even the most adept number crunchers.

Whether you're a lone explorer or arrive with a group, a seasoned veteran or a curious novice, you'll find a warm welcome here.